Friday, March 13, 2009

PT update

The ankle is doing well. Each day a little better. I started the first of six weeks of PT this past Monday. Cycling indoors now and hope to be doing easy riding on bike path next weekend. 3 weeks to road cycling and 5 weeks to run again. I would like to run Ogden 20k in Wheeling Memorial weekend. That remains to be seen. Thanks for checking in.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Doc Visit 02/24/09

To day was my first follow up from surgery. Dr. Berlet is one cool guy. No Bull and take one step at a time, we are on the same page. I had 5-6 questions all answered prior to me asking anything. I had a hard time keeping up w/ him. Luckily, V was there to hear it as well.

1. It looks "great" w/ "minor" swelling
2. It was a partial tear of the Peroneal Breves Tendon. No idea what caused.
3. The remainder of the parts and pieces in the ankle around the region look "very good"
4. Items #2 and #3 will shorten my return by nearly 6 weeks or better.
5. B/C of the early catch and repair Doc wants to "push" recovery. Not stupid push just push.
6. Stationary bike 1 -2 wks out.
7. Rehab 2-3 wks out. I'm ready when I can "walk in the removal cast w/o pain".
8. P/T will transition out of the removal cast to a ankle brace in 4-6 weeks.
9. Next follow up in 6 weeks, April 6th. 4 days before D-day for TOSRV (bicycle tour in May).

That's the next 6 weeks. Push and listen to my body. Cycle early, resistance train and get to P/T when I can walk w/o pain. Thanks to V she's been great and to my friends network for the support. T

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ah, the JOY of HighSchool

Well everyone should get a good laugh. This is T in HS.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks

By the way most of you know I'm a terrible speller. I have been made fun of for years about my email address "jinks". It was based on a 60's cartoon character from Pixie and Dixie. Well on youtube today I found the old cartoons in full. Many episodes for those interested. Watch the intro and pause when the names come up. Jinks is spelled correctly in this case it is not Jinx. What little redemption I have from this was lost last night when I miss read "two lovers" as "t wolves". That will be up the w/ Tijuana burger. Pronounced by me as "Ti-junia" burger to the waitress at Max and Erma's after many drinks.

Ankle Surgery

Attached is the best description of my ankle issue. The Doc that handles all of OSU sports foot and ankle issues said surgery was the only way to fix the Breves Tendon. MRI show a split tear. I found that surgery was my only option 10 minutes after walking into his office. I was stunned. The day prior I ran 20 miles after a 4 week break from running. I could not imagine surgery in my wildest dreams. 11 days after my office visit I was being prep'ed.

Surgery went well. No issues. I spent little time in the staged recovery rooms. I was at Grant Sports Med in Columbus at 8:45a went to surgery at 1:20p and was wheeled out of the facility at 4:20. Surgery was originally scheduled the week following however a stand by slot opened for Last Friday and I took it.

With one unfortunate exception I have had my ankle elevated and iced for 5 days. My guess is 200 of the last 220 hours. The ankle feels good. The device to keep the ankle iced is a cooler with inlet + outlet hose and a pump. The cooler is filled part way with H2O and filled with one bag of ice. I have gone through 6 bags of ice + all the ice our frig has made over the 5 days.

I return to work Thursday 02/19/09. I negotiated this day w/ the doc. I said I can spend only so much time on the computer at home. I have a few culverts to design and can work with CADD for the next few weeks. I have a follow up apt Tuesday. I will likely found out what they found during surgery and how the wound is healing. At that point we can begin discussing Phase 3 rehab.

My Blog

I have reconnected via FaceBook with many friends and started this web Blog during my 200 hours with my ankle elevated. I continued reading "Riders of the Purple Sage", completed 2008 taxes, balanced last months check book, fixed our wireless network, Installed a network printer, completed computer maintenance, flipped through numerous mags, talked on the phone, got insurance estimates on the roof and did a few day to day chores. I have survived better then I though I would.

I started to follow a running friends blog about a year ago. I thought it would be cool to have one. Mr Jinks is a lesser known but well respected cartoon cat. He played a supporting role in the Pixiey and Dixie cartoon ( I wanted a web home that was comfortable and gathered all my web stuff in one place. I placed links to my stuff weather, news, hotmail, and facebook. I also place a Homer Simpson quote of the moment. That Hosmer is one smooth operator.

I currently have no other plans for the blog page. Likely a discussion of Ultra running, cycling, fitness, food, family and friends. As with my written journals we will see where the leads and if this sticks.