Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Doc Visit 02/24/09

To day was my first follow up from surgery. Dr. Berlet is one cool guy. No Bull and take one step at a time, we are on the same page. I had 5-6 questions all answered prior to me asking anything. I had a hard time keeping up w/ him. Luckily, V was there to hear it as well.

1. It looks "great" w/ "minor" swelling
2. It was a partial tear of the Peroneal Breves Tendon. No idea what caused.
3. The remainder of the parts and pieces in the ankle around the region look "very good"
4. Items #2 and #3 will shorten my return by nearly 6 weeks or better.
5. B/C of the early catch and repair Doc wants to "push" recovery. Not stupid push just push.
6. Stationary bike 1 -2 wks out.
7. Rehab 2-3 wks out. I'm ready when I can "walk in the removal cast w/o pain".
8. P/T will transition out of the removal cast to a ankle brace in 4-6 weeks.
9. Next follow up in 6 weeks, April 6th. 4 days before D-day for TOSRV (bicycle tour in May).

That's the next 6 weeks. Push and listen to my body. Cycle early, resistance train and get to P/T when I can walk w/o pain. Thanks to V she's been great and to my friends network for the support. T

1 comment:

  1. Todd, Glad to hear things are progressing towards a full recovery. I hate to hear that due to the severity of the tear that your return to trail running is going to be delayed, but we would rather have you back later than never. Thanks for the update. Rick
